Finerenone – a new option to reduce the risk of progression of renal and cardiovascular damage in patients with chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Viera Doničová
Authors‘ workplace:
HUMAN CARE s. r. o., Košice
Published in:
Diab Obez 2022; 22(44): 129-132
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a serious illness, which is a cause of death in about 44 %. Every 5 seconds dies, one patient from diabetes in the world. The risk of death in patients with diabetes and CKD is three times higher in comparison to the healthy population. One of the main pathophysiological mechanism of deterioration of the renal and cardiovascular system is the overstimulation of mineralocorticoid receptors. New treatment and molecule of the nonsteroidal, selective antagonist of the mineralocorticoid receptor finerenone significantly decrease the progression of CKD even in advanced stages, as well as the cardiovascular events. These data are achieved in two clinical trials: FIDELO-DKD and FIGARO-DKD, and subsequent metanalysis of these data in FIDELITY analysis.
chronic kidney disease (CKD) – albumin creatinine ratio in urine (UACR) – antagonist of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MRA) – arterial hypertension (AH) – blockade of mineralocorticoid receptors (BMR) – cardiovascular complication (CVC) – cardiovascular risk (CVR) – diabetes mellitus (DM) – glomerular hypertension (GH) – GLP-1RA (agonist of GLP-1 receptor) – heart failure (HF) – mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) – renal dead (RD) – renin–angiotensin system (RAS) – sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2i)
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Diabetology ObesitologyArticle was published in
Diabetes and obesity

2022 Issue 44
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