Vliv léčby inzulinem Fiasp na glykemie, HbA1c a tělesnou hmotnost u osob s diabetem 1. a 2. typu: studie z reálné praxe
Rudolf Chlup 1,2,3; Jana Zapletalová 4; Hana Zálešáková 3; Johana Kochtová 1; Richard Kaňa 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav fyziologie LF UP v Olomouci
1; II. interní klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc
2; Odborný léčebný ústav Paseka, p. o., pracoviště Moravský Beroun
3; Ústav lékařské biofyziky LF UP v Olomouci
Published in:
Diab Obez 2019; 19(38): 90-97
Aim of this prospective monocentric uncontrolled study was to compare the efficacy of faster‑acting insulin aspart FIASP (insulin aspart + nicotinamid) with the efficacy of previous therapy with insulin aspart.
Method: Three groups of men (N = 36) and women (N = 21) with diabetes were studied: (1) 13 persons with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) treated using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII), (2) 17 persons with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) treated by means of CSII and (3) 23 persons with T2DM treated by multiple doses of insulin (MDI) using insulin pens. Treatment efficacy was assessed according to the evolution of plasma glucose concentration (PG) in the course of 10-point glucose profile, mean glucose concentration of this profile (MPG), body mass, HbA1c, daily insulin dose (INS/d) and patient´s general condition at the beginning and after 2-month treatment period with Fiasp. Fiasp was used according to the identical algorithms as insulin aspart. The Wilcoxon paired rank test was applied to compare the respective parameters obtained with insulin aspart versus Fiasp. P < 0,05 was considered significant.
Results: No adverse events appeared in any group. In T2DM, a tendency to reduction of PG, MPG, HbA1c, body mass and INS/d in the course of Fiasp therapy was shown, nevertheless, the diffefences have never reached any statistical significance (N < 24).
Conclusion: The evidence of noninferiority of Fiasp versus insulin aspart was demonstrated. Next, the introduction of improved algoritms followed be implemented into Fiasp therapeutic regimen.
faster insulin aspart – insulin aspart – insulin pen – insulin pump – treatment algorithm
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Diabetology ObesitologyArticle was published in
Diabetes and obesity

2019 Issue 38
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