Pattern-based approach to duodenitis and duodenopathy
Ondřej Daum 1,2; Magdaléna Daumová 1,2; Marián Švajdler 1,2
Authors‘ workplace:
Šiklův ústav patologie LF UK a FN Plzeň
1; Bioptická laboratoř s. r. o., Plzeň
Published in:
Čes.-slov. Patol., 58, 2022, No. 2, p. 88-99
Reviews Article
Duodenum is currently the most popular site to obtain samples of intestinal mucosa for recognition of a disorder leading to malabsorption. Although there are significant overlaps between histological findings described in various non-neoplastic diseases of the duodenum, recognition of one of the six basic morphologic patterns, namely coeliac disease-like pattern, active chronic duodenitis, acute GvHD-like pattern, enteritis with predominant eosinophilic infiltration, enteritis with predominant infiltration by macrophages, and non-inflammatory enteropathy, usually allows diagnostic separation, especially if subtle histological details, clinical setting and serological investigation are taken into account.
endoscopy – Biopsy – duodenum – pattern – duodenitis – duodenopathy
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Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner ToxicologyArticle was published in
Czecho-Slovak Pathology

2022 Issue 2
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