Oxytocin and obesity
K. Pozorčiaková 1; M. Kostková 1; J. Vojtková 1; M. Čiljaková 1,2; Peter Bánovčin 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika detí a dorastu, JLF UK a UNM, Martin, Slovensko
1; Detské oddelenie NEDÚ, Ľubochňa, Slovensko
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2020; 75 (1): 40-45.
Obesity is a serious illness affecting children not only in developed but also in developing countries. Obesity leads to many serious complications that can lead to a shortened life span of the patient and a decrease in quality of life. It is necessary to pay attention to this disease in childhood, because obesity in children predisposes to obesity in adulthood.
Oxytocin is a hormone that is synthesized in the hypothalamus and is known mainly for its effects in childbirth and lactation. Nowadays there is a focus on oxytocin involvement in metabolism - its effect on insulin secretion, lipolysis and food intake. Changes in concentration of oxytocin have been reported in obese patients. Intranasal administration of oxytocin appears to be a possible therapeutic method of obesity treatment. Recent studies have shown weight loss, improvement in glucose and lipid metabolism following oxytocin administration, and no serious adverse effects have been reported yet.
obesity – Oxytocin – metabolic syndrome
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

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