Contribution to a Better Technique of Amniotic FluidSampling
M. Břešťák jr.; D. Stejskal 1; L. Novák; P. Pícha
Authors‘ workplace:
Gyncentrum spol. s r. o., Praha 9, Hloubětínská 3, vedoucí MUDr. P. Pícha 1 Oddělení lékařské genetiky GENNET, Praha 1, Klimentská 11, primář MUDr. D. Stejskal
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2000; (6): 436-437
Elaboration of a maximally safe and comfortable technique of collection of amnioticfluid (AMC).Design: For practice.Setting: Gyncentrum Ltd., Hloubětínská 3, Praha 9, Dept. of Medical Genetics GENNET,Klimentská 1, Praha 1.Method: In 81 patients AMC was performed using a needle with an external diameter of 0.53 mm ,by the sampling system Vacutainer of Becton-Dickinson Co.Conclusion: The method elaborated by the authors appears to be perspective for use in invasiveprocedures in the sphere of prenatal diagnosis.
Key words:
amniocentesis, Vacutainer
Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology
2000 Issue 6
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