The serious complication of diabetes mellitus in seniors – hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome.
M. Babčák
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Published in:
Čes Ger Rev 2010; 8(1-2): 18-21
In observation we shoot for the appearence of the metabolic complications of diabetes mellitus in senior – hyperglycemy hyperosmolary syndrom (HHS). During 2008 was in the Internal clinis and Clinic of geriatrics FNsP Prešov 14 patients with HHS hospitalized (average age 73.7 years, SD ± 8.1 years). As a major co-morbidity in these patients was in seven cases uniletarale bronchopneumony detected, in six cases was urosepsis detected, one cause of HHS was unknown, four patients died despite intensive treatment – two patient died of heart failure, one patient died of tromboembolic disease and one patient died of maligny dysrytmy. In special literature is the mortality of HHS 10–50%, depending of the complications. The problem of HHS is in the seniors always actual because in this age is statistic advanced appereance of the PGT and the showings of diabetes mellitus are lessmarkedly. The senior comes to the hospital usually later and than the treatment is challenge for the time an for the many.
Key words:
diabetes mellitus – seniors – hyperglycemy hyperosmolary syndrom
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Psychiatry RheumatologyArticle was published in
Czech Geriatric Review

2010 Issue 1-2
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