Dietary fibre in elderly
Z. Zadák; A. Tichá; R. Hyšpler; B. Jurašková
Authors‘ workplace:
Published in:
Čes Ger Rev 2010; 8(1-2): 45-49
Up to date knowledge in the dietary fibre and its effects upon the human organism is summarized. A definition and a classification of the dietary fibre is elaborated in this article. The non‑cellulosis polysaccharides classification in terms of their chemical struscture is shown in a diagram. The effects of the dietary fibre on the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism of cholesterol and glucose are presented. When soluble dietary fibre is fermented in the colon, short chain fatty acids, methane and hydrogen are produced. The production and consupmtion these acids is involved in numerous physiological process promoting health. The nutritional quality of dietary fibre as well as transit time of that fibre can be evaluated using methane or hydrogen determination in breath.
Key words:
dietary fibre – transit time – short chain fatty acids
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
Czech Geriatric Review

2010 Issue 1-2
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