Our experience with subcutaneous rehydration
V. Šťastná; K. Soukupová; H. Kučerová
Authors‘ workplace:
Geriatrické oddělení FN Plzeň
Published in:
Čes Ger Rev 2009; 7(1): 46-48
Dehydration is a frequent problem in senior citizens, often requiring infusion treatment. An alternative to the common intravenous application of fluid is represented by subcutaneous application. This established method enables safe administering of up to two litres of fluids by means of standard equipment normally used for i.v. infusion. It is a technically very simple method saving staff time as well as the potential places of the patient’s venous input. For a period of six months, we prospectively observed the occurrence of complications in administering s.c. infusions at our workplace (Geriatric Ward of FN Plzeň). We administered a total of 425 infusions of 1 000 ml Plasmalyte s.c., with complications occurring in 1.65%. All the instances involved a local oedema with reddening, which subsided within 24 hours. Provided that the limits and counter indications are respected, the method of subcutaneous administration of infusions is a safe alternative to the classic i.v. rehydration.
dehydratation – hypodermoclysis– subcutaneous infusion
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
Czech Geriatric Review

2009 Issue 1
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