Diagnosis and treatment of temporal arteritis, a case study
M. Malcová 1; I. Doleželová 2; E. Topinková 3,4
Authors‘ workplace:
Městská nemocnice Ostrava, III. interní oddělení
1; Fakultní ThomaYerova nemocnice Praha
2; Geriatrická klinika VFN a 1. LF UK Praha
3; Subkatedra geriatrie a gerontologie IPVZ Praha
Published in:
Čes Ger Rev 2009; 7(1): 40-45
In this article we show the gerontorheumatology problems again as an continuation of our last article Diagnosis and therapy of polymyalgia rheumatica published in medical journal Geriatric revue, september 2008. This theme is germane to Arteritis Temporalis (TA). Whereas the polymyalgia rheumatica is myopathic disease of shoulder and pelvis muscles with positive prognosis. TA is deep- going disorder, it is systemic vasculitis with preference to extracranialis arteries damage, especially arteria temporalis, wich is painful, incrassate and reddish. The ethiology of both disorders is unknown a researching. To the large– scale clinical symptoms belongs headache, major opthalmic complications, they can be cause of blindness. We describe relationship between TA and PMR below, the posibility of diagnostics a treatement, to accent the early biopsy of arteria temporalis and mainly the urgent start of corticotherapy by high doses. We show the patient casuistry with TA for comopleteness sake.
arthritis temporalis – poylmyalgia rheumatica – gerontorheumatology – casuistry
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
Czech Geriatric Review

2009 Issue 1
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