A neurologist’s opinion of the management of subjects suffering from urine or stool incontinece
M. Bojar 1; R. Mazanec 1; Z. Kučera 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2. lékařská fakulta, Neurologická klinika dospělých, FN Motol 2 Česká společnost podpory zdraví, Inco Fórum, Praha
Published in:
Čes Ger Rev 2009; 7(1): 5-13
Health, epidemiological, psychosocial and economical aspects of urine incontinence (UI), which permanently affects 16% adults in Czech Republic, as well as stool incontinence (SI), which is frequently combined with UI, are discussed. A survey provided by STEM/ MARK in 2003 detected high prevalence of the temporary UI among the Czech adults (n 2,447 older 15 y.) – 36%. Permanent UI was declared by 16% respondents. 60% of clients of US nursing institutions suffer from either UI or SI or both. The importance of the complex management of UI/ SI patients in the Czech Republic is discussed as well as the role of exact differential diagnostics of the IU/ SI in which neurologists play an important role. The open communication concerning all aspects of UI/ SI and the role of general practitioners cooperating with various specialists including neurologists are the key elements of the management of the UI/ SI which rising prevalence is associated with polymorbidity of the quickly aging Czech population. A review of differential diagnosis of the Nervous System disorders and electrophysiological methods (EMG, SSEP, MEP) is presented as well as conservative and surgical management of UI/ SI incl. stimulation and electronic implants.
epidemiology of UI/ SI – complex diagnosis and therapy of UI/ SI – electrophysiology of the pelvic muscles – communication with UI/ SI patients – seniors with SI/ UI
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
Czech Geriatric Review

2009 Issue 1
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