M. Štefanatný 1,2; M. Starosta 3; R. Žižka 2; J. Štefanatná 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Blanc Dental Studio, Žilina, Slovenská republika
1; Klinika zubního lékařství, Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci, a Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc
2; Stomatologická klinika, Univerzita Karlova, 1. lékařská fakulta, a Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 123, 2023, 3, s. 77-85
Review Article
Introduction: The aim of this article is to present and summarize the non-surgical treatment options in management of peri-implant diseases and compare the effectiveness of the treatment with/without adjunctive use of antibiotics.
Methods: A search was conducted in the PubMed- MEDLINE, Scopus, Embase, and Google Scholar databases, and available repositories, followed by a hand search. The relevant clinical studies, reviews, and consensuses about the non-surgical peri-implant therapy published between 1990–2022 in English language were included.
Conclusion: Based on the available information, it can be said that there is a great diversity in the treatment of dental implants affected by peri-implantitis. Studies testing different therapeutic protocols are rare and highly heterogeneous. Stabilization of peri-implant disease after the treatment without systemic or local antibiotics is possible, but the reduction of probing depth around the dental implant using only the non-surgical therapy is still insufficient. Non-surgical treatment is therefore successful particularly in solving the peri-implant mucositis and also as a conditioning before surgical therapy.
photodynamic therapy – conservative therapy – antibiotics – laser – peri-implantitis – non-surgical therapy – scaling – air-flow
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Czech Dental Journal

2023 Issue 3
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