Effect of Lithium on Na+- K+and Mg++ ATPase in theCerebral Cortex and Subcortical Formations of the Laboratory Rat

Authors: J. Mourek;  I. Paclt;  J. Koudelová
Authors‘ workplace: Fyziologický ústav 1. LF UK, Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. S. Trojan, DrSc. Psychiatrická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Raboch, DrSc.
Published in: Čes. a slov. Psychiat., , 2001, No. 4, pp. 162-165.


In adult female rats of our own bred (Wistar) two series of experiments were performed. SeriesA (exp. in vitro): the effect of medium enriched by 5 mmol/l of lithium chloride on Na+-K+and Mg++ dependent ATPase activities.Series B (exp. in vivo): the effect of intraperitoneally administered lithium (100 mg/kg bodyweight) in 4 successive days (also 4 applications) on the above mentioned activities.In both series the enzyme activities in the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures (includingthalamus, subcortical nuclei, hypothalamus) were followed up. In both series (A and B) lithiumelevates significantely the Mg++-ATPase activity in subcortical structures. In experiments in vitro(series A) also as the effect of lithium Mg++ dependent ATPase increased its activity in the cerebral cortex; Na+-K+ dependent ATPase was not significantely influenced by lithium. The possibleconsequences are discussed.

Key words:
lithium, Na+-K+ and Mg++ dependent ATPase activities, cerebral cortex, subcorticalstructures.

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