Modulation of DopamineNeurotransmission byHypoxia/Asphyxia
J. Gross; K. Andersson; U. Ungethüm; J. Heldt; Y. Chan; G.marschhausen; T. Altmann; J. Gao; B. Husemann; R. Sinz; I. Müller; N. Andre-Va
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Psychiat., , 1998, No. 8, pp. 484-491.
Hypoxia/asphyxia is an important factor influencing the development of thebrain functions in the perinatal period. In two different models of hypo-xia/asphyxia short and long term changes (consequences) of the dopaminer-gic system were observed: in general short term changes of hypoxia/asphyxiaare characterised by an increase of dopamine level in substantia nigra andby increased dopamine release after hypoxia. The long term changes (measu-red after 1 - 2 month after hypoxic stress): in the targed region, the striatumthere is a clear increase of stimulated dopamine release following mild hypo-xia, but not following asphyxia. Severe asphyxia decreased dopamine con-tent in the subst. nig. and ventr. tegm. area. The observed long-term changesin the DA levels and DA release in mentioned brain regions provide evidencefor hypoxia-induced plasticity of dopaminergic systems, which could be in-volved in the by oxygen deficiency evoked brain disorders. The cell culturecontaining dopaminergic cells were investigated in similar conditions andmanners.
Key words:
hypoxia, dopaminergic system, neuroplasticity, development.
Addictology Paediatric psychiatry PsychiatryArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Psychiatry
1998 Issue 8
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