Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 1/2014
Review Articles
Separation of amino acid enantiomers by high performance liquid chromatography
Jakub Moravčík, Katarína Hroboňová
Original Articles
Production of flavonoids and isoflavonoids in jasmonic acid-induced red clover suspension cultures
Marie Kašparová, Tomáš Siatka
Study of local anaesthetics: Part 204*
Determination of critical micelle concentrations of selected derivatives of pyrrolidino-m-alkoxyphenylcarbamic acid using pyrene as a probe
Determination of critical micelle concentrations of selected derivatives of pyrrolidino-m-alkoxyphenylcarbamic acid using pyrene as a probe
Jana Gališinová, Fils Andriamainty, Jozef Čižmárik, Eva Kontseková, Ivan Malík
Inhibition of 12/15 lipoxygenase by curcumin and an extract from Curcuma longa L.
Lýdia Bezáková, Daniela Košťálová, Marek Obložinský, Peter Hoffman, Mária Pekárová, Renáta Kollárová, Ivana Holková, Silvia Mošovská, Ernest Šturdík
Identifying and solving drug-related problems in terms of the community pharmacist
Lucia Masaryková, Magdaléna Fulmeková, Ľubica Lehocká, Tomáš Fazekaš
Globalization and its impact on pharmacy services in the Slovak Republic
Ivona Malovecká, Igor Minarovič, Daniela Mináriková, Ľubica Lehocká, Miroslava Snopková, Viliam Foltán
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2014 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Separation of amino acid enantiomers by high performance liquid chromatography
- Identifying and solving drug-related problems in terms of the community pharmacist
- Globalization and its impact on pharmacy services in the Slovak Republic
- Inhibition of 12/15 lipoxygenase by curcumin and an extract from Curcuma longa L.