Oral supplementation of sodium, potassium and phosphate ions in extemporaneous preparation

Authors: Markéta Petrželová;  Jana Hénková
Authors‘ workplace: Nemocniční lékárna Fakultní nemocnice v Motole, Praha
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2024; 73, 33-39
Category: Pharmaceutical Technology
doi: https://doi.org/10.36290/csf.2024.006


Oral supplementation of sodium, potassium and phosphate ions in extemporaneous preparation

The article deals with the possibilities of oral supplementation of three selected ions – sodium, potassium and phosphate, by means of individually prepared medicines. It forms an overview of the most frequently used extemporaneous prescriptions in the University Hospital in Motol. It deals with the description of available raw materials and theoretical characteristics of ions. For selected formulations, the amount of ions is given in both mass and molar terms. The formulas reflect the need for ion supplementation in appropriate doses and appropriate dosage form according to the individual needs of patients.


individual drug formulation, ions, extemporaneous preparation, supplementation, sodium, potassium, phosphorus


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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology

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Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

Issue 1

2024 Issue 1

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