Determination of thiamine and pyridoxine in food supplements and beverages by the simple capillary zone electrophoresis in combination with UV detection
Michaela Matušková; Ivana Čižmárová; Peter Mikuš; Juraj Piešťanský
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Komenského, Farmaceutická fakulta, Katedra farmaceutickej analýzy a nukleárnej farmácie
; Toxikologické a antidopingové centrum
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2020; 69, 237-243
Original Articles
The paper is focused on development of a simple analytical method based on capillary zone electro-phoresis in combination with UV-detection for simul-taneous detemination of thiamine and pyridoxine in pharmaceutical and food samples. The separation of thiamine and pyridoxine was performed in a background electrolyte composed of 25 mmol ∙ l–1 GABA + 50 mmol ∙ l–1 HAc+ 0.05% m-HEC. The UV detector was set at the constant wavelength of 260 nm. Limit of detection was 0.059 µg ∙ ml–1 for thiamine and 0.23 µg ∙ ml–1 for pyridoxine. These levels suggest that relatively low quantities of thiamine and pyridoxine can be detected. The presented CZE-UV method enabled effective determination of the two vitamins in 5 food supplements and 11 energy drinks and vitamin waters.
Thiamine – Pyridoxine – capillary zone electrophoresis – UV detection – quality control
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Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

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