Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 5-6/2020
Review Article
Focus on perchlozone, an anti-tuberculosis drug from the Russian Federation
Ivan Malík, Jozef Čižmárik, Mária Pecháčová
Original article
Development and validation of a HPLC method for quantifica-tion of degradation impurities of salbutamol sulfate with following long-term stability studies in multicomponent cough syrup
Ivan Bezruk, Anna Materiienko, Svitlana Gubar, Vera Bunyatyan, Sergiy M. Kovalenko, Victoriya Georgiyants, Liudas Ivanauskas
The hepatoprotective effect of the combination of glucosamine derivatives with quercetin against methotrexate-induced liver toxicity
Kateryna V. Vietrova, Igor A. Zupanets, Tatiana S. Sakharova
Meropenem serum concentrations in intensive care patients: a retrospective analysis
Jana Uricová, Ivana Kacířová, Hana Brozmanová
Original Articles
Automated preparation of radiopharmaceuticals as a tool of radiation protection optimisation of staff
Michal Budinský, Petr Vyšinský, Stanislav Synek, Kateřina Žilková
Determination of thiamine and pyridoxine in food supplements and beverages by the simple capillary zone electrophoresis in combination with UV detection
Michaela Matušková, Ivana Čižmárová, Peter Mikuš, Juraj Piešťanský
K životnímu jubileu prof. RNDr. Jozefa Csölleiho, CSc.
T. Ambrus, J. Kolář
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2020 Issue 5-6
Most read in this issue
- Meropenem serum concentrations in intensive care patients: a retrospective analysis
- Automated preparation of radiopharmaceuticals as a tool of radiation protection optimisation of staff
- K životnímu jubileu prof. RNDr. Jozefa Csölleiho, CSc.
- Determination of thiamine and pyridoxine in food supplements and beverages by the simple capillary zone electrophoresis in combination with UV detection