The Release of Diltiazemiumchloride and Ibuprofen from Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets

Authors: L. Vostalová;  M. Rabišková;  G. Medvecká
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav technologie léků Farmaceutické fakulty Veterinární a farmaceutické univerzity, Brno
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2003; , 295-298


Hydrophilic matrix tablets based on hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and other cellulosederivatives rank among dosage forms with retarded effect widely used in contemporary pharmacotherapy.The active ingredient is released from them in dependence on its properties either bydissolution and diffusion, or erosion of the compact. The dissolution profile of the active ingredientcan be influenced by variables of formulation and manufacture, e.g. by the type of HPMCemployed,its concentration, other added auxiliary substances, and compression force which is reflected in thestrength of tablets.Two drugs with different solubility were used to study the effect of drug solubilityon its release frommatrices: well soluble diltiazemiumchloride and badly soluble ibuprofen. Highersolubility of the drug and lower solubility of compacts resulted in more rapid release of the activeingredient. Also lower concentration of HPMCaccelerates the release of both drugs. The effect of thedegree of viscosity of the polymer on drug release was not markedly manifested.

Key words:
hydrophilic matrices – hydroxypropylmethylcellulose – drug solubility –strength of tablets – modified release

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