A Novel Group of Potential Antituberculotic Agents: Antimycobacterial N-Benzylsalicylamides
K. Waisser; M. Peřina; I. Boudová; J. Kuneš; J. Kaustová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra anorganické a organické chemie Farmaceutické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy, Hradec Králové1 Oddělení pro diagnostiku mykobakterií – Krajská hygienická stanice, Ostrava
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2003; , 0
Linking up with a previous study of antimycobacterial compounds, several groups of N-benzylsalicylamideswere prepared and their antimycobacterial activities against the strains Mycobacteriumtuberculosis,Mycobacterium kansasii, and Mycobacterium aviumwere evaluated.The obtained datawere analyzed by Free-Wilson method in comparison with their isosteric analogues of 3-hydroxypicolinicand 2-sulfanylbenzoic acids described in the previous communication.
Key words:
N-benzylsalicylamides – mycobacterium – tuberculostatics – QSAR
Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy
2003 Issue 6
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