Content and Quality of the Essential Oil of Melissa officinalis after the Administrationof Rastin 30 DKV
Š. Vaverková; M. Hollá; J. Tekeľ
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra farmakognózie a botaniky Farmaceutické fakulty Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2001; , 46-50
The paper deals with the evaluation of the content and quality of the essential oil of Melissaofficinalis in various leaf insertions in the course of the ontogenetic development of the plant. Thequality of the drug after the administration of the preparation Rastin 30 DKV in the form of granuleswas not changed in comparison with control samples. The experimental work, subsequent analysisof samples, and evaluation of results led to conclusions important from the viewpoint of significantchanges in the content and composition of the essential oil taking place in the plant in the courseof the vegetation period.
Key words:
Melissa officinalis – essential oil – neral – geranial – caryophyllen – ontogenesis
Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy
2001 Issue 1
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