Experiences with an electrophysiological diagnosis of occupational ulnar nerve lesions at elbow
E. Ehler 1; M. Nakládalová 2; P. Urban 3,4; L. Štěpánek 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurologická klinika FZS UP a Nemocnice Pardubického kraje, a. s.
1; Klinika pracovního lékařství LF UP a FN Olomouc
2; Státní zdravotní ústav, Praha
3; Klinika pracovního lékařství 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2019; 82(3): 296-300
Original Paper
Aim: For uniform assessment of occupational ulnar nerve entrapment at elbow (UNE) assessment methods using electrophysiological criteria were introduced in 2011. The study aimed at determining changes in selected EMG parameters in UNE recognized as occupational disease using the methods in 2012–2016.
Patients and methods: In 55 participants (49 males), follow-up EMG at 1 to 5 years from recognition as occupational disease was assessed. Eighty-one arms were affected by UNE. Changes in the amplitude of motor nerve conduction velocity of the ulnar nerve across the elbow (MNCV-U) and in compound muscle action potential over the abductor digiti minimi (CMAP ADM) were compared with initial EMG.
Results: The MNCV-U parameter remained unchanged in 54% of cases, deteriorated in 16% and improved in 30%. The mean MNCV-U increased significantly between the measurements. The CMAP ADM amplitude was unchanged in 89% of cases, worse in 4% and better only in 7%. Its mean value at follow-up was not statistically significantly different. There was no case of completely normalized EMG.
Conclusion: Occupational UNE is a chronic condition with an unsatisfactory prognosis even after the occupational risk is removed.
The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.
在55名参与者(49名男性)中,评估了从确认为职业病开始1至5年的随访肌电图。81只手臂受UNE影响。比较肘部尺神经运动神经传导速度幅值(MNCV-U)和外展肌最小二极肌复合动作电位(CMAP ADM)的变化。
在54%的病例中,MNCV-U参数保持不变,16%恶化,30%改善。平均MNCV-U在两次测量之间显著增加。89%的病例CMAP ADM波幅不变,4%较差,仅7%较好。随访时其均值无统计学差异。没有完全标准化的肌电图。
ulnar nerve – ulnar nerve lesion at elbow – Electromyography – occupational disease
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