Valpro ic Acid – Anti epileptics with Antine oplastic Effects
P. Cahová; H. Ošlejšková
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika dětské neurologie LF MU a FN Brno
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2009; 72/105(3): 217-221
Review Article
Valpro ic acid is a bro ad- spectrum anti epileptic drug with low toxicitiy profile. It has been marketed since 1967, firstly bro ught o ut in France. Its importance in the clinical practice is a ugmented by the use in other indicati ons. Valpro ic acid is also prescribed in the tre atment of he adache, affective disorders and spinal muscular atrophy. Recently, valpro ic acid has appe ared in the focus of attenti on in the ne uro oncology fi eld as well. As histone de acetylase inhibitor it ca uses hyperacetylati on and reexpressi on of growth regulatory genes and as a consequence induces apoptosis. In preclinical studi es it has been proved that valpro ic acid is able to inhibit cell proliferati on and migrati on and incre ases the imunogenicity of tumoral cells. Brain tumors are often accompani ed by the symptomatic epileptic seizures depending on the histology and localisati on of the tumor. The epilepsy is not seldom farmacoresistant. Being able to take advantage of anti epileptic and antitumoral effect of valpro ic effect, we get a specific opti on in the tre atment of symptomatic seizures in brain tumors. With o ur present knowledge the indicati on of valpro ic acid as an anti epileptic drug with antitumoral effects needs more investigati ons.
Key words:
valpro ic acid – anti epileptic drug – oncology
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

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