Breast Cancer Adjuvant Radiotherapy Using Active Breathing Control-Moderate Inspiration Breath-Hold – a Case Report
D. Vrána 1,2; K. Cwiertka 1; L. Lukešová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Onkologická klinika LF UP v Olomouci, Olomouc
1; Oddělení toxikogenomiky, Centrum toxikologie a zdravotní bezpečnosti, Státní zdravotní ústav, Praha
Published in:
Klin Onkol 2013; 26(2): 143-146
Case Report
Chest movements during the breathing cycle represent a significant problem during radiotherapy of target volumes in the chest. There are several methods how to solve this problem.
We have used Active breathing control-moderate inspiration breath-hold device in the case of adjuvant treatment of breast cancer.
Comparing the DVH (dose-volume histograms) without ABC the heart dose is V25 = 6,95% = 34 cm3, V30 = 5,36%, V45 = 1,71%, D mean 6,2 Gy, however in the case of using ABC device V25 = 1,96% = 8,77 cm3, V30 = 1,26%, V45 = 0%, D mean = 2,58 Gy. The dose delivered to left lung was in the first case V20 = 31,2%, D mean = 15,9 Gy and with ABC device V20 = 26,99% a D mean 13,6 Gy. Doses deliver to right lung, cord and target volume coverage were similar in both situations.
According to our experience ABC device represents simple technique how to solve problems with chest movements during radiotherapy.
Key words:
radiotherapy – adjuvant therapy – active breathing control – breast cancer – radiotherapy reproducibility
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