Fatty acid elongases and their involvement in the pathogenesis of disease states
M. Zeman; J. Macášek; M. Vecka; B. Staňková; A. Žák
Authors‘ workplace:
IV. Interní klinika, 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze, U Nemocnice 2, Praha 2, 128
Published in:
Klin. Biochem. Metab., 27, 2019, No. 2, p. 66-71
Fatty acids possess plenty of functions in human organism. They take a part in regulation of the structure and function of cell membranes and signal pathways, transcription factors activities and gene expression. Fatty acid profiles in the individual tissues are determined by dietary intake, endogenous synthesis, catabolism and as well by desaturation and elongation processes, that are catalysed by the enzymes – desaturases and elongases. Elongases play a principal role in the synthesis of very long chain fatty acids (chain with 22 or more carbons), both saturated and unsaturated. Dysregulation of fatty acid metabolism was recognized to be associated with many diseases, such as atherosclerosis and its complications, type 2 diabetes mellitus, neuropsychiatric and malignant diseases, as well. Activities of fatty acid elongases could serve as significant markers of abovementioned diseases. Moreover, modulation of elongase activities could represent a therapeutic option in some cases.
Metabolism – fatty acids – desaturases – elongases
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Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolism

2019 Issue 2
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