The Relevance of Pressure Mapping System in Wheelchair Mobility
L. Vašíčková 1–3; J. Siegelová 2; M. Mašek 1
Authors place of work:
Spinální jednotka, Klinika úrazové chirurgie LF MU a FN Brno
1; Katedra fyzioterapie a rehabilitace, LF MU, Brno
2; Ústav ochrany a podpory zdraví, LF MU, Brno
Published in the journal:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2016; 79/112(Supplementum1): 15-19
Původní práce
The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of the Pressure Mapping System (PMS) to comprehensively evaluate spinal cord-injured (SCI) patients with wheelchair mobility.
Materials and methods:
A cohort of 29 patients with both traumatic and non-traumatic aetiology was analysed. The patients were examined at the spinal outpatient clinic for life-long care at the University Hospital Brno in 2015. The examination included detailed medical history, clinical evaluation while sitting in a wheelchair, laying and sitting on an examination couch, clinical evaluation of pressure on a seating cushion using PMS, photo documentation of sitting in a wheelchair.
Of the total of 21 men and eight women with SCI, 26 had a traumatic lesion (20 men and six women). Three (one man and two women) had non-traumatic aetiology. All were mobile on a mechanical wheelchair. The distribution of pressure on a seating cushion showed that the pressure under ischial tuberosities was lower than 100 mm Hg in 10 patients (mean 80 ± 24 mm Hg left, 91 ±± 24 mm Hg right). Unilateral pathology of pressure above 100 mm Hg under an ischial tuberosity was found in 12 patients (mean 93 ± 21 mm Hg left, 103 ± 36 mm Hg right). We found bilateral pathology of pressure over 100 mm Hg under both ischial tuberosities in seven patients (mean 128 ±± 19 mm Hg left and 117 ± 21 mm Hg right). Statistically significant differences in pressure were only found under the left ischial tuberosity.
We verified that examination with PMS is an appropriate element of comprehensive assessment of patients with wheelchair mobility.
Key words:
wheelchair mobility – spinal cord injury –pressure mapping system Conformat – pressure ulcers – sitting posture
The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.
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Dětská neurologie Neurochirurgie NeurologieČlánek vyšel v časopise
Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie

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