Globalization and its impact on pharmacy services in the Slovak Republic

Authors: Ivona Malovecká;  Igor Minarovič;  Daniela Mináriková;  Ľubica Lehocká;  Miroslava Snopková;  Viliam Foltán
Authors place of work: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Published in the journal: Čes. slov. Farm., 2014; 63, 40-47
Category: Původní práce


Public pharmacies are excellent medical facilities having the largest number of contacts with patients. They are the facilities of the first and last contact with the health care system for the patient. Public pharmacies are unique and easily accessible places in the health care system with a high proficiency in the provision of pharmaceutical care and highly qualified medical staff. The aim of this paper was to determine geographical-demographic situation, the legal form of the ownership of public pharmacies, and the owner share of pharmacists on the capital of public pharmacies in Slovakia. The number on of providers of pharmaceutical care depends on the population at the level of regions, districts, towns and villages with differing tightness of binding. The most common legal form of the provider of pharmaceutical care in Slovakia in public pharmacies were limited companies with 73.6% share, a sole proprietor – pharmacist had 23.9%, and public limited companies had 1.3%. In the branches of public pharmacies the limited companies had 73.4% share, a sole proprietor – pharmacist had 26%, public limited companies had 1%. The owner share of the pharmacist on the capital in public pharmacies was 50.4%, and in the branches of public pharmacies it was 66%, owned by a sole proprietor or limited company.

public pharmacy, public pharmacy branch, geographical-demographical analysis, legal form of the provider of pharmaceutical care, basic capital


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