
We recommend plicní tromboza tromboprofylaxe

Enoxaparin in the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism in a Morbidly Obese Patient – Case Report

4. 4. 2022 Source: Thromboprophylaxis

The number of patients suffering from overweight and obesity has been steadily increasing in recent years. Obesity is one of the independent risk factors for thromboembolic disease. Treating thrombotic complications in obese patients poses a challenge not only because of the adjustments in anticoagulant dosing but also due to the lack of evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of higher doses of anticoagulants in this growing group of the population.


Mass in the Left Atrium Appendage - Case Report

A symptomatic mass in the left atrial appendage warrants thorough investigation and radical…
14. 9. 2020 Source: Thromboprophylaxis

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