Measuring factor VIII activity in patients with severe haemophilia A treated with extended half-life concentrates – comparison of selected assay results

Authors: M.- Prudková 1 3;  P. Smejkal 1,3;  D. Chytrá 1,3;  J. Zavřelová 1,3;  G.- Romanová 1 3;  M. Penka 1,2;  A. Buliková 1,2
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení klinické hematologie, FN Brno 1;  Interní hematologická a onkologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno 2;  Katedra laboratorních metod, LF MU, Brno 3
Published in: Transfuze Hematol. dnes,30, 2024, No. 4, p. 243-252.
Category: Original Papers
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/cctahd2024prolekare.cz16


Introduction: Optimal substitutional treatment includes measuring FVIII activity (FVIII: C) using the one-stage clotting assay (OSA) or chromogenic substrate assay (CSA). However, with the advent of FVIII concentrates with an extended half-life, discrepancies between methods have increased due to modifications of the FVIII molecule. Aim: Evaluation of OSA and CSA discrepancy in patients treated with extended half--life FVIII concentrates. Method: FVIII: C measurement by OSA with reagents Cephascreen® (Diagnostica Stago) and Pathromtin® SL (Siemens Healthineers) and by CSA BIOPHENTM FVIII: C (Hyphen BioMed) in patients treated with efmoroctocog alfa, rurioctocog alfa pegol, turoctocog alfa pegol and damoctocog alfa pegol. Results: The results of both methods correlated well for efmoroctocog alfa, the differences being up to 21%. The results of rurioctocog alfa pegol in the range of 15–200% were slightly lower using OSA with both reagents, on average by 11% and 18%, while the results up to 10% were higher using OSA with an average difference of 54% for Cephascreen® and up to 75% for Pathromtin® SL. The results of turoctocog alfa pegol were lower using OSA in the range of 15–200%, on average by 36% and 25%. The samples with FVIII: C above 10% of damoctocog alfa pegol were slightly higher using OSA (Cephascreen® by 18%), but samples up to 10% were significantly higher, with Cephascreen® on average by 91% and by 100% with Pathromtin® SL. Conclusions: OSA Cephascreen® or Pathromtin® SL and CSA Hyphen correlate excellently in the case of efmoroctocog alfa. Of the other concentrates, the results correlate excellently in the case of rurioctocog alfa pegol (only Cephascreen®) and damoctocog alfa pegol, and only for FVIII: C > 10%.


haemophilia A – FVIII activity – EHL concentrates

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MP – laboratorní diagnostika, napsání rukopisu
SP, RG – léčba pacientů, revize rukopisu
CHD, ZJ – laboratorní diagnostika, revize rukopisu
ZJ – laboratorní diagnostika, revize rukopisu
PM, BA – revize rukopisu
Autoři práce prohlašují, že v souvislosti s tématem, vznikem a publikací tohoto článku nejsou ve střetu zájmů a vznik ani publikace článku nebyly podpořeny žádnou farmaceutickou firmou.
Podpořeno MZ ČR-RVO (FNBr, 65269705) a grantem MUNI/A/1558/2023.
Do redakce doručeno dne: 31. 1. 2024.
Přijato po recenzi dne: 8. 7. 2024.
Mgr. Marie Prudková
Oddělení klinické hematologie
FN Brno
Jihlavská 340/20
625 00 Brno
e-mail: prudkova.marie@fnbrno.cz
Haematology Internal medicine Clinical oncology
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