The process of ergodiagnosis and its development in the context of current social changes
Sládková P. 1; Vondrová K. 1,2; Svěcená K. 1,3,4; Buba J. 5; Vernerová I. 6; Rodová Z. 1,3; Angerová Y. 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství, 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
1; Klinika rehabilitace a tělovýchovného lékařství, 2. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha
2; Klinika adiktologie, 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
3; Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
4; Generální ředitelství Úřadu práce České republiky
5; Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 30, 2023, No. 2, pp. 79-83.
Original Papers
Ergodiagnosis (prevocational evaluation) is an important part of rehabilitation that determines an individual’s general ability to work. The aim of the prevocational assessment is to evaluate objectively the psycho-sensorimotor potential of people with disabilities for employment purposes. During the client’s assessment, it is necessary to emphasize his/her experience, education, interests, leisure activities and work experience. Selected methods (basic, recommended and special) are used in the prevocational assessment. The prevocational interprofessional team represented by various experts (rehabilitation physician, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, clinical psychologist and social worker) is involved in this specific assessment. In the Czech Republic, prevocational evaluation has undergone great development and a number of procedural changes in recent years. As a result of this process, a network of 13 prevocational centres was founded. They cooperate closely with the branches of Labour Office and help to place clients on the labour market. Prevocational centres must respond flexibly to current events and the situation in the Czech Republic, not only in terms of changing demand for this specific examination, the development of the epidemiological situation, but also in terms of their own "standard" medical operations, staffing, availability of training for their employees as well as, for example, the acquisition of new equipment.
prevocational evaluation – psycho-sensorimotor potential – prevocational interprofessional team – functional objective assessment
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

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