The effect of musical sensorimotor integrative therapy on the speech of a child with autism
Harvánek R. 1; Kučera M. 2; Du J. 1; Li J. 1; Kantor J. 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav speciálně pedagogických studií, Pedagogická fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
1; Ušní, nosní a krční ambulance – centrum léčby hlasových poruch, Rychnov nad Kněžnou
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 29, 2022, No. 4, pp. 194-202.
Original Papers
Introduction: According to Martin Kučera and Kateřina Fritzlová, sensomotor integrative therapy (SMITh) is a neurorehabilitation method designed for the therapy of communication disorders in children with autism spectrum disorders and developmental speech and learning disorders. For the purpose of this single case study with ABA design, we created a protocol for a musical modification of this method and examined its effect on the speech of a preschool girl with diagnosed childhood autism. Methods: To monitor the effect of the therapy, the LENA DLP (Digital Language Processor) device was used, which evaluated the quantity of words produced and conversational turns in an induced conversation between parents and the girl during the entire therapeutic intervention. At the same time, a questionnaire constructed by the authors was used to monitor the development of the girl in other areas, mainly changes in the level of quality/functionality of the girl’s communication skills. Results: According to objective data obtained through LENA DLP, SMITh did not affect the quantitative increase in the girl’s speech production. There was even a statistically significant reduction in conversational turns, but this can be explained by a decrease in adult speech production throughout the study. According to the evaluated questionnaire and an interview with the parents and another therapist (occupational therapist), who also monitored the child, an improvement in the ability to understand speech and the ability to concentrate attention was observed. Discussion: Although the effectiveness of SMITh on the speech of a girl with childhood autism in this case could not be demonstrated by objective methods of measuring the quantity of speech, the data showed that the method may have the potential for improvement at the functional/qualitative level (understanding, vocabulary, content, etc.) in children with impaired communication skills. In other research studies, we recommend also to focus on the area of speech understanding and attention.
Autism – music therapy – sensorimotor – sensory integrative therapy – music – developmental speech disorders
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

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