Disorders in Space Perception and Visuospatial Functions in Patients after CMP
J. Tacho 1,2,3; A. Krobot 1,2; M. Hájková 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení rehabilitace, Fakultní nemocnice v Olomouci
1; Ústav fyzioterapie, Fakulta zdravotnických věd, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
2; Neurologická klinika, Lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 23, 2016, No. 1, pp. 3-9.
Original Papers
„Je-li ztráta vnímání jednou polovinou a jedné poloviny těla úplná, chová se pacient jako by polovina světa náhle přestala existovat v jakékoli podobě a formě. Takoví pacienti jednají jako by se nalevo od nich nejen nic nedělo, ale jako by se tam ani nic dít nemohlo.“
(Oliver Sacks, † 30.8.2015)
Disorders of visuospatial functions represent an important deficit in patients with acute brain damage, which in the end distinctly influence a general restitution of motor and cognitive functions and simultaneously determine the successfulness of rehabilitation. The examination of these disorders is at the present time limited to diagnosis of the neglect syndrome. Somewhat archaic „pen and paper tests” and scales can identify only a low percentage of the affected individuals. Certain form of the neglect syndrome and be found even in patients without apparent clinical symptoms, though. In need not be the proper neglect syndrome, but rather giving preference a certain part f the space as compared to the other. A technique making possible monitoring of natural visual movements and monitoring strategies, sc eye tracking can help to reveal discrete disorders. The Eye Tribe apparatus ahs been used in this study. The examination was performed by means of interactive tasks oriented to visual perception. The side preference of ocular movements and observation strategies was determined by evaluation of these tasks. Case reports of three probands are described. A – a patient after CMS with dextral lesion, B- a patient after CMS with sinistral lesion, C – a healthy proband. The results confirmed ipsilesional side preference in space in both patients examined (A, B). It con firmed the hypothesis that elements of the neglect syndrome may be found even in patients where a standard examination remains totally “dumb”.
space perception, visuospatial function, eye tracking, neglect syndrome
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

2016 Issue 1
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