A Study in Typical Changes of Peripheral Circulation during Application of Vacuum-Compression Therapy
J. Průcha 1; A. Klapalová 2; V. Volejník 2; J. Ticháček 1; K. Hána 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Společné pracoviště Fakulty biomedicínského inženýrství ČVUT a 1. LF UK, Praha
1; Hamzova odborná léčebna, Luže - Košumberk
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 21, 2014, No. 1, pp. 28-37.
Original Papers
In order to precisely evaluate the characteristic influence of physical-therapy procedures of vacuum-compression therapy (VCT) on peripheral circulation the authors measured the perfusion index in the course of VCT application on the acral part of the treated extremity.
At the same time the electroplethysmography measurements of the changing volume of non-pulsating component of blood in the treated extremity and oximetry measurements of arterial blood saturation in the same extremity.
Forty four patients were included in the study and a total of 292 VCT procedures were applied. For all three diagnostic values the authors calculated time course of the mean values for all 292 procedures applied, i.e. the time course of the mean values of all realizations, which can be considered as a manifestation of typical, therefore characteristic influence of VCT of the values under observation. The result indicate that VCT applied according to the present usage (the application of preprogrammed procedures) and presently used equipment (Extremiter® 2010, edition Better Future, produced by Embitron Ltd., Pilsen, CZ) favorably influences perfusion index measured on the treated extremity. This perfusion index increases under the influence of VCT procedure whilst periodic changes of overpressure and underpressure affecting the treated extremity become obvious in the course of the procedure.
Consequently, an important influence of VCT on improving perfusion in the treated extremity can be gathered from the results. At the same time there is typically a mild increase of volume of the extremity related to VCT^ procedures, caused by increase volume of non-pulsating blood component. This increment of volume, if maintained during an appropriate interval can possibly contributes to a trophotropic influence of VCT. The values of oxygen saturation of arterial blood do not appear to be significantly influenced by the VCT procedure. The results obtained support clinical experience of a significant influence of VCT in the therapy of peripheral perfusion disorders in various medical indications. In consequence of better knowledge of mechanisms in which VCT acts, further increase of efficiency of the method can be presumed as well as sophistication of the method and related equipment.
vacuum-compression therapy (VCT), perfusion index, electroplethysmography measurement, peripheral perfusion
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

2014 Issue 1
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