Application of Orthotic Devices in Therapy of Gonarthrosis

Authors: I. Vařeka;  R. Vařeková
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra fyzioterapie, FTK UP Olomouc vedoucí prof. MUDr. J. Opavský, CSc. ;  Katedra přírodních věd v kinantropologii, FTK UP Olomouc vedoucí prof. RNDr. M. Janura, Dr. ;  Rehabilitační klinika FN Hradec Králové přednostka doc. MUDr. E. Vaňásková, Ph. D.
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 20, 2013, No. 2, pp. 77-80.
Category: Original Papers


Gonarthrosis is the most frequent non-injurious joint diseases. In addition to conservative therapy it is possible to use orthotic insoles. A procedure following the principles of compensation orthosis according to determination of the type of foot according to Root proved to me optimal. In case of medial tibiofemoral gonarthrosis, which is most frequent localization, it is possible to try the effect of pronation wedge. In any case, subsequent examination of the effect should be done, since the reaction to the wedge is based on other than biomechanic principles as well.

gonarthrosis, orthotic insole, laterally wedged indole


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine

Article was published in

Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

Issue 2

2013 Issue 2

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