Chrástková M., Bačáková R., Kračmar B., Hojka V.: Kinesiology Content of Selected Forms of Cross-country Skiing Used by a Wide Public

Authors: M. Chrástková;  R. Bačáková;  B. Kračmar;  V. Hojka
Authors‘ workplace: Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 18, 2011, No. 1, pp. 32-38.
Category: Original Papers


Cross-country skiing is a recommended activity for optimal loading of human motor system, as the same time it is recommended as a part of post-rehabilitation motor regime. The gliding step in classical technique and V-2 skating are the most common used techniques in the recreational form. The aim of the study was to clear out how the motor stereotype of cross-country skiing corresponds with bipedal walking and which of the two basic techniques is more suitable (we use more natural) for the motor system. The used methods were the synchronized video record with the surface poly-electromyography in terrain (EMG). The data were interpreted on the basis of the comparative cross-correlation analysis of activation starts of the observed muscles. The female skier competing in the national team showed the similarity of phase moves of muscles stabilizing the pelvis and knee joint both during walking and cross-country skiing (both techniques). The difference between cross-country skiing and walking was found in phase muscles taking part on the propulsive strength for locomotion. It was not possible to compare the coordination relationship of the activity pairs: gliding step in classical technique – walking and skating – walking.

Key words:
cross-country skiing, walking, electromyography


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine

Article was published in

Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

Issue 1

2011 Issue 1

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