International congress of Occupational Therapists inStockholm 2002

Authors: M. Vítková
Authors‘ workplace: Rehabilitační oddělení IN Boskovice, primář MUDr. O. Vlach
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., , 2003, No. 4, pp. 143-145.


My poster presentation was chosen for the 13th International Congress of occupational therapists inStockholm in 2002. The poster consisted of a case description of cognitive therapy of a patient withsevere traumatic brain injury following a car accident and his integration into normal life. It alsoconsisted from graphs of many years of work with patients after severe traumatic brain injuries andcerebral accidents. Further, it presented an example of cognitive therapy and integration into familylife in a 34 year old patient after a severe cerebral vascular accident.

Key words:
international congress, presentation, contacts

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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine
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