I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f f u n c t i o n a ld i s o r d e r s i n i n f a n t s

Authors: V. Tošnerová;  K. Petrová;  E. Vaňásková
Authors‘ workplace: Rehabilitační klinika Fakultní nemocnice v Hradci Králové
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., , 2000, No. 2, pp. 54-56.


Evaluation of impaired function of the locomotor system and palpation of soft tissue in infants is verydifficult for many obvious reasons. Thus the postural position is unstable, the muscle tone changesconsiderably during development, spontaneous activities such as crying and defense reactionsinfluence the resource. In addition – central pathology is frequently difficult to quantify. The toneregulating effect of cephalic joints and adjacent muscles is much stronger than in adults and hasa marked effect on the postural situation of infants. Nevertheless functional disorders in infants areknown and were confirmed by ourselves by examinations of 60 infants aged from 0 to 1 year. In 21functional disorders in the area of the cervical spine were found. It is however difficult to estimatea disfunction accurately in a particular segment. If early treatment was applied, im proved symmetrywas achieved. This makes more fluent development possible, regardless whether a child withouta central or with a central affection is involved.

Key words:
functional disorders in infants, examination of functional disorders in

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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine

Article was published in

Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

2000 Issue 2

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