An important progress in the treatment of ovarian cancer after 20 years

Authors: Jindřich Fínek
Authors‘ workplace: Onkologické a radioterapeutické oddělení a komplexní onkologické centrum FN Plzeň-Lochotín
Published in: Prakt Gyn 2012; 16(2-4): 54-58
Category: Oncogynecology: Review Article


The paper presents a clear survey of trends in incidence and mortality for ovarian cancer, following from recent statistical data. It summarizes the present diagnostic possibilities, the used prognostic factors and treatment schemes. A special attention is given to treatment. The treatment of persistent or relapsing illness, where significant progress has been achieved during the past 20 years by introducing bevacizumab, a new drug used in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel. This treatment scheme is indicated as initial treatment of an advanced (III B, III C and IV stages according to FIGO) ovarian epithelial cancer, Fallopian tube cancer or primary peritoneal cancer. This scheme is becoming a new standard of care of patients with an advanced ovarian cancer.

Key words:
bevacizumab – carboplatin – ovarian cancer – paclitaxel – GOG-0218 Study – ICON 7 Study


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