Microbiological properties of endogenous vaginal flora strains in asymptomatic women of childbearing potential.

Authors: R. Krajčovičová 1;  R. Hudeček 1;  M. Chrápavá 2
Authors‘ workplace: Gynekologicko‑porodnická klinika LF MU a FN Brno 1;  Valosun a. s., oddělení výzkumu a vývoje, Brno 2
Published in: Prakt Gyn 2009; 13(4): 192-201


Vaginal ecosystem is a complex system with intricate regulation that acts as a vaginal protection against exogenous infection. The complex nature of vaginal microenvironment and persisting therapeutic dilemmas incidental to treatment of women with chronic disturbance of vaginal ecosystem are the subject to research into vaginal flora aiming to compose a new therapeutic agent for restoration and stabilization of vaginal eumicrobia. During the experimental phase of the research, 35 samples –  vaginal smears from asymptomatic women of childbearing potential –  were examined. Bacterial strains were accurately identified and, following assessment of growth curves and vitality, ten bacterial strains were selected for further detailed examination of their specific characteristics. The research focused on testing of immunomodulatory activity (determination of fagocytary activity, fagocytosis index, lysozyme activity and peroxidase activity), bactericidal and candidacidal activity of the selected strains, ability to adhere to epithelial cells (lipophilicity testing), assessment of strain sensitivity to antibiotics (antibiogram) and determination of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide production. Following detailed assessment, the following strains are considered to be ideal components of a probiotic preparation: 16A/ 1 Lactobacilus fermentatum (ideal immunostimulatory effects, high bactericidal and candidacidal activity), strain 17A Lactobacillus crispatus, 29B Lactobacillus acidophilus (stimulation of leukocyte fagocytary and leukocyte peroxidase activity) and strain 8A Lactobacillus gasseri (high antibacterial resistance). The effects of the optimal combination of endogenous vaginal flora probiotic strains in the treatment of vaginal infections and in restoring and stabilizing vaginal environment in the form of a new probiotic vaginal preparation will be tested in a subsequent clinical study.

vaginal ecosystem –  endogenous vaginal flora –  growth curve –  lyophilization –  bacterial strain vitality –  immunomodulatory properties –  hydrophobicity –  bactericidal and candidacidal activity –  antibiograms


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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicine
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