Hysteroscopy in diagnostics and therapy in infertile patients.
B. Babjak; B. J. Eim
Authors‘ workplace:
Nemocnice Vyškov p. o.
; Gynekologicko‑porodnické oddělení
Published in:
Prakt Gyn 2009; 13(1): 18-22
Hysteroscopy ranks among miniinvasive surgery procedures and have become gold standard in intrauterine diagnostics. It is also one of „see and treat“ techniques, so the surgeon can solve the problem immediately. Hysteroscopy is an important method in solving of uterine factor of infertility. It provides optical evaluation of the cervical canal and uterine cavity and carry out the endometrial biopsy. The main advantage of hysteroscopy over hysterosalpingography and ultrasonography is the capability of inspecting the uterine cavity. The most important intrauterine pathologies are: endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids, synechiae, and uterine congenital malformations. Hysteroscopy is particularly accurate in the assessment of all this pathologies. It is now possible to perform a comprehensive endoscopic examination of the uterine cavity in an office session without using any type of anesthetic or dilating the cervical canal. The development and fine tuning of this diagnostic technique have been aimed at making it a routine examination, harmless and reproducible, which does not require any premedication or anesthesia and which reduces patient discomfort to the minimum. There is lower rate of intra and postoperative morbidity compared to traditional surgery. Combining this method with laparoscopy improves the evaluation of pelvic anatomy.
Key words:
infertility – hysteroscopy – endometrial polyps – fibroids – intrauterine adhesions
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Practical Gynecology

2009 Issue 1
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