Associated Injuries of the Scapula Fractures
M. Tuček; J. Bartoníček *
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení ortopedie, traumatologie a rekonstrukční chirurgie, ÚVN, Praha-Střešovice
; Chirurgická klinika 1. LF UK a FTN, Praha-Krč
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2010, roč. 89, č. 5, s. 288-292.
Monothematic special - Original
The study analyses associated injuries in a group of 23 patients (20 men, 3 women) operated on for a dislocated scapula fracture. The group included 16 cases of isolated fractures of the body and 7 cases a fracture of the body combined with a fracture of the scapular neck or intraarticular fracture of the glenoid fossa. The most frequent cause of the trauma was traffic accident or fall from bike. The condition of patients with scapula fractures at admission ranged between mild injury and polytrauma and was influenced mainly by additional injuries.
Associated injuries were diagnosed in 19 (83%) patients, the most frequent of which were fractures of the ribs, in 15 (65%) cases. In 9 (39%) of cases they were combined with pneumothorax, hemothorax or lung contusion. Injuries to the shoulder girdle were diagnosed in 6 (26%) patients and injuries of the head also in 6 patients (26%). Fractures of long bones involved lower extremities in 7 cases and upper extremity in 3 cases. In addition, a fracture of the acetabulum or 3rd lumbar vertebra, kidney contusion and injury to the brachial plexus were diagnosed in individual cases.
Key words:
scapula fractures – associated injuries – polytrauma
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2010 Issue 5
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