Insufficient Anastomoses in Sigmoideal and Rectal Resections. A Retrospective Study Conducted in a Surgical Clinic in Hradec Králové
P. Motyčka 1; B. Doležal 2; A. Ferko 1,3; Z. Šubrt 1,3
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika LF UK v Hradci Králové a FN Hradec Králové
přednosta: prof. MUDr. Z. Vobořil, DrSc.
1; 6. polní nemocnice Olomouc, velitel: pplk. MUDr. M. Kocvrlich
2; Katedra válečné chirurgie Fakulta vojenského zdravotnictví Hradec Králové Univerzity obrany Brno, vedoucí katedry: doc. MUDr. A. Ferko, CSc.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2007, roč. 86, č. 1, s. 17-23.
Monothematic special - Original
Anastomotic insufficiency is the primary cause of postoperative morbidity and mortality following resection procedures of the large intestine and rectum.
Material and Methodology:
In the retrostpective study, the authors analysed rates of rectal and sigmoideal anastomotic insufficiencies in patients operated for rectal and sigmoideal carcinomas in the Faculty Hospital Surgical Clinic in Hradec Králové from 2000 to 2004. At the same time, the authors analysed risk factors of the insufficiencies. The subject of protective derivation stomies is discussed.
In the group with primary colorectal anastomosis, the anastomotic insufficiency occured in 11% of the group subjects, in the group with primary sigmoideal anastomosis in 9.1% of the group subjects. Out of the total of 215 subjects, the anastomotic insufficiency occurred in 23 subjects (10.7 %), 6 cases were fatal and the overall postoperative mortality was 1.56 % . In the anastomotic insufficiency group, it reached 13.04 %. The difference between the studied groups is significant (p<0,001, OR = 10.5).
Postoperative mortality in sigmoideal and rectal resection procedures correlates with anastomotic insufficiency.
Key words:
anastomosis of the large intestine and rectum – anastomotic insufficiency
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2007 Issue 1
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