Verification of conditions at work in suspected occupational disease of lumbar spine in practice
L. Pešáková 1,3; M. Nakládalová 1; T. Tichý 2; J. Hlávková 2; P. Gaďourek 2; P. Urban 2,4; D. Pelclová 4; A. Boriková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika pracovního lékařství LF UP a FN v Olomouci
přednostka doc. MUDr. Marie Nakládalová, Ph. D.
1; Státní zdravotní ústav Praha
ředitelka Ing. Jitka Sosnovcová
2; Krajská hygienická stanice Olomouckého kraje se sídlem v Olomouci
ředitel MUDr. Zdeněk Nakládal, Ph. D.
3; Klinika pracovního lékařství 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
přednostka prof. MUDr. Daniela Pelclová, CSc., FEAPCCT
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 69, 2017, No. 1-2, s. 12-21.
Original Papers
Within the framework of regular revisions of the List of occupational diseases in the Czech Republic there are efforts to extend the List by an item, which could enable to acknowledge diseases of lumbar spine from overload as an occupational disease, specifically with adherence to generally valid national rules, i.e. after fulfilling clinical criteria and objective demonstration of such working conditions, when the occupational disease originates (hygienic criteria).
The communication was intended to clarify the connection between medium severe chronic vertebrogenic syndrome and the work performed, on the basis of an objective method for evaluation of working load exerted on lumbar spine at the individual level.
The cohort included 21 workers (7 men, 14 women, mean age 46.5 year, and average exposure 17.5 year) who have been working (according to work case history) in conditions, which might (according to occupational medical presumptions) to overload of lumbar spine. The evaluation of working conditions was made at their workplaces on the basis of all-shift observation and recording potentially risky working operations in the control lists. The obtained data were entered into a special computation module, while the output was represented by the value of estimated pressure on intervertebral disk L4/5 as the basic index for evaluating the load exerted on lumbar spine.
In 11 subjects (6 men and 5 women) the authors determined fulfillment of suggested hygienic criteria. In cases where the diseases of lumbar spine were included in the List of occupational diseases, and after fulfillment of a series of rigorous entry exposure and clinical conditions, the conditions for accepting the origin of the disease in evaluating the disease as caused by occupation were fulfilled from the hygienic point of view. In all these cases the occupations were associated with working acts or operations which included manipulation with loads or burdens and trunk flexion or rotation. The repetitive strain injury of lumbar spine was determined in medical services, wood processing industry, forestry, and in various workman occupations in the light and medium heavy industry.
occupational disease – working operation with potential risk – overload of lumbar spine – control lists
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

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