Animal involvement in vehicular accidents: Is it possible to implement preventive measures?
P. Makovický 1; R. Matlach 2; P. Makovický 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Laboratórium veterinárnej histopatológie v Komárne, Slovenská republika
vedúci Ing. Peter Makovický, PhD.
1; Soudní znalec v oboru zdravotnictví, Liberec, Česká republika
vedoucí MUDr. Radek Matlach
2; Katedra biológie, Pedagogická fakulta, Univerzita J. Selyeho, Komárno, Slovenská republika
vedúca katedry PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 67, 2015, No. 3-4, s. 127-133.
Review Article
This work will deal with the important topic of animals involved in car accidents. It is a worldwide problem resulting in both human and animal fatalities and life changing injuries as well as significant damage to the vehicles involved. Such accidents can only be eliminated with effective preventative measures and therefore car accidents involving animals should be investigated. The analysis will identify the initial cause of the accident and the resulting consequences, paying specific attention to the critical points of the collision. Car accidents involving animals will be classified according to various parameters including typology of animal and road terrain. This information should be analysed by a specialist in forensic veterinary medicine, veterinary pathology, hunters or zoologist. In this report we will discuss two case studies. The first deals with a dog which was involved in a car accident and second with a deer. Both cases resulted in one human fatality, however, the remaining passengers did not sustain any physical injuries. In both cases the animals died at the scene of the accident and the cars suffered extensive damage.
car – traffic accidents – preventive medicine – road collisions – animals
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

2015 Issue 3-4
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