The voice problems among the population in Moravian-Silesian region
M. Matějková; E. Mrázková; K. Richterová; P. Sachová; V. Janout
Authors‘ workplace:
Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, LF, Ústav epidemiologie a ochrany veřejného zdraví, vedoucí ústavu prof. MUDr. Vladimír Janout, CSc.
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 64, 2012, No. 2-3, s. 78-85.
Original Papers
Voice is the fundamental instrument of human communication. We are using it as a working tool in our everyday life; but it is also the most natural way of expressing our emotions, feelings, wishes and ideas.
The aim of the thesis was to find out if voice professionals subjectively perceive the voice problems more often than a randomly selected sample of population of Moravian--Silesian Region.
The research was carried out by the form of standardized questionnaire which was randomly handed out to 222 voice professionals all together – nursery and primary schools pedagogues and to 200 inhabitants of Moravian-Silesian Region. Data from questionnaires were statistically processed.
Differences in subjective perceiving of voice are not evident from the study result. Primary school pedagogues evaluate their voice a bit worse than nursery school pedagogies. Slight problems were perceived by 6.8 % of pedagogues from voice professionals group but any severe voice disorder, according to standardized VHI questionnaire, was not found. In the group of populations were perceived slight of voice problems 6 % of the respondents and were appeared 2 heavy voice disorders.
Voice difficulties of inhabitants of Moravian-Silesian Region do not grow together with their age, but in voice professionals group the difficulties grow. VHI questionnaire is a simple yet powerful tool for determining the patient’s voice problems. The resulting scores can be used to quantify the degree of difficulty a patient voice for change tracking problems due to treatment and to verify the functionality of the therapeutic methods of voice disorders. The implementation is relatively simple and does not require special financial costs. This questionnaire should be used as prevention in the practice of general practitioners and preventive care for voice professionals.
Key words:
voice – voice professional – voice disorders – World Voice Day
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

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