The experience of a revision physician from confirming the proposition for spa therapeutic rehabilitation care
H. Dolanský
Authors‘ workplace:
Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna ČR, Regionální pobočka Ostrava
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 23, 2020, č. 1-2, s. 39-47
Original Articles • Review Articles • Case Reports
The confirmation of propositions for spa therapeutic rehabilitation care by revision physician of a health insurance company is closely connected with performing a professional control within the framework of legislative standards of public health care and medical insurance.
The presented casuistries from the practice of the revision physician document frequent errors from the side of the indicating, i. e. recommending nursing physicians. They draw attention to neglected associations in relation to the choice of providing spa therapeutic rehabilitation care and establishing the basic or repeated therapeutic stay procedure for the policyholder of the health insurance company.
The experience supported by the diction of valid legislative standards supplement recommendations for the practice of health care providers as well as to the professional activity and work of revision physicians. This communication also documents the importance of mutual quality information of professional specialists, but also policyholders as the important goal in improving medical knowledge in the whole society.
health insurance company – registered policyholder – proposal for spa rehabilitation care – legislative standards – indication nursing physician – registering provider – specialist care of the prevision physician – confirmation of the proposals – the way of providing spa therapeutic rehabilitation care – the establishment of therapeutic stay – information of the clients – national medical knowledge
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

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