Ergodiagnostics as a constituent of working and social rehabilitation
K. Svěcená 1,2; P. Sládková 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika adiktologie 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice v Praze, vedoucí pracoviště prof. PhDr. Michal Miovský, Ph. D.
1; Fakulta zdravotnických studií Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, vedoucí Katedry rehabilitačních oborů Fakulty zdravotnických studií MUDr. Otto Kott, CSc.
2; Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice v Praze, vedoucí pracoviště MUDr. Yvona Angerová, Ph. D., MBA
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 22, 2019, č. 3, s. 64-70
Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports
According to WHO, there are presently about 15% of population is affected by some kind of defects – disability. These individuals can be significantly assisted by rehabilitation, but it is not available for everyone, who need it. Within the process of rehabilitation, the inter-professional team take every effort to a maximal support of the patient for renew the affected functions as soon as possible, and consequently to improve the quality of the patient’s life. WHO (2006) defines rehabilitation as a collection of measures, directed to the fastest resocialization of individuals of health-affected individuals, those suffering from a disease or after an injury or inborn defect. In order to make the plan of resocialization possible, the individuals need to be incorporated in the working process, or supported in a way to make the individual capable of competition in the open labor market. Within this process ergo diagnostics, and its procedure is indispensable, i.e. examination of the functional potential of the individual. Prevocational evaluation in the Czech Republic has a long tradition, since unification of the ergo diagnostic methods first occurred within the EQUAL project and subsequently in the PREGNET project. In spite of the fact that both these projects accomplished a great deal of work, there is still a lot of work, since there are many inconsistencies to overcome in prevocational evaluation. In spite of that, the process is very important as a first step of rehabilitation and helps in effective integration of the individual into common life.
prevocational evaluation – labor potential – working rehabilitation – social rehabilitation
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2019 Issue 3
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