The problems of total hip endoprosthesis of the hip joint in the system of social security in the Czech Republic
P. Zubina
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení lékařské posudkové služby OSSZ Mělník
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 19, 2016, č. 2, s. 51-67
Original Papers
The article deals with the fate of patients after implantation of total hip endoprosthesis in the system of insurance and non-insurance benefits of social security of the Czech Republic.
The author presents basic information about total hip endoprosthesis including new trends and alloplasty of hip joint. The statistics of TEP including the description of the National Registry of joint replacement of the Czech Republic is described. The article also includes statistical evaluation of the number of acknowledged (granted) invalidity cases, the certificate of persons with health handicap and a car allowance for getting a motor vehicle since 2011 till 2015 in subjects affected by hip osteoarthrosis including the condition after hip joint replacement.
total hip replacement – osteoarthritis of the hip – insurance social benefits – non-insurance social benefits – permanent disablement – disabled persons’ identity card – car allowance
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2016 Issue 2
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