New examination and therapeutic procedures in multiple sclerosis and their importance for the activity of advisory physicians in the controlling the evaluation of temporary incapacity of work or invalidity
Strouhalová Ivana
Authors‘ workplace:
OSSZ Chrudim
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 15, 2012, č. 1, s. 23-33
Review Articles
Multiple sclerosis is the most frequent neurological disease affecting young patients, which can result in permanent invalidity at relatively young age. It is a polymorphic disease and presently cannot be causally cured up. A substantial progress has been reached recently in the research of the disease, modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures have been introduced making it possible to establish the diagnosis and start efficient therapy, which can limit or stop activity of the disease.
The Pardubice Regional Hospital established a MS Center (Center for the Therapy of Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelination Processes) where patients with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and other demyelination processes are followed-up. The catchment area encompasses the Pardubice Region as well as neighboring areas. The Center was inaugurated in June 2004 being tenth in the Czech Republic at that time.
Key words:
multiple sclerosis – attack – progression – Kurtzke Extended Disability Status Scale (EDSS) – long-term unfavorable health state – decreased capacity of work
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6. Zákon č. 187/2006 Sb., o nemocenském pojištění.
7. Vyhláška č. 284/1995 Sb., kterou se provádí zákon o důchodovém pojištění.
8. Vyhláška č. 359/2009 Sb., kterou se stanoví procentní míry poklesu pracovní schopnosti a náležitosti posudku o invaliditě a upravuje posuzování pracovní schopnosti pro účely invalidity (vyhláška o posuzování invalidity).
9. Intranet ČSSZ – program NEM.
10. Poznatky z šetření v MS centru pro roztroušenou sklerózu při Neurologické klinice Pardubické krajské nemocnice.
11. Metodické upozornění na posuzování onemocnění typu RS pro účely invalidity ze dne 23. 3. 2011.
Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2012 Issue 1
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