The branch of revision medicine and comparison with other medical branches
J. Calta 1; H. Dolanský 2; J. Gebhart 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Subkatedra revizního lékařství IPVZ, Praha
1; Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna, Ostrava
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 14, 2011, č. 2, s. 54-60
Revision medicine is one of the branches of applied medicine. It is confirmed in the Public Medical Insurance Law. It is applied within the framework of individual health insurance company. An organization-methodology center is missing as well as a professional institutional background. An extension qualification certification is applied in the Slovak Republic, but not in the Czech Republic. In the practice of health insurance companies, statistical approaches are given more priority as regards regulation of health care cost. Analytical and quality-oriented procedures in the control of cost are not developed, although the law presumes that. The control by the health insurance companies is applied in a directive manner and not in a comparative-consulting one. The enforcement of comparative-consultant methods in the work of revision physicians will bring about a quantitative change in their work and their acceptance by specialist and the society. The authors analyze the causes of stagnation of the branch and outlines possible actions.
Key words:
health insurance – revision medicine – societal political prerequisites of the branch development– postgraduate education in the branch – methods of revision medical activities – technocratic conception of the control of health care cost – the problem of health care quality – motivation to the work of revision physician – societal and financial evaluation of the revision medical work – stagnation of the branch and the causes – public health reform – new methods in revision and control activities
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2011 Issue 2
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