Functional diagnostics in rehabilitation for employment purposes
A. Vávra
Authors‘ workplace:
Rehabilitační centrum Krajské nemocnice v Pardubicích
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 10, 2007, č. 2, s. 35-37
Functional diagnostics, i.e. finding out the profile of activities of a client, is an inherent part of rehabilitation. We focus on diagnostics of working activities with the aim of returning a client into employment. In common practice, the diagnostics is undertaken without uniform and validated methodology mostly it is based on common reasoning of a practitioner. Even the physician of the enterprise, who decides about a particular working position, does not have all necessary background materials at his/her disposal. At the same time, requirements of particular working positions, especially concerning handicapped people, are increasing. The paper discusses the process of including persons with health handicap into the working process from the point of view of possibilities of description of client abilities and their comparison with requirements of the working position considered. It suggest that it is possible to use the same methodology after verification also in the field of review medicine.
Key words:
work potential – rehabilitation before work – work rehabilitation – emloyment – psychosensomotor potential
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2007 Issue 2
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